pp, $i, 1 ); } elseif ( '..' === $pp[ $i ] ) { array_splice( $pp, --$i, 2 ); } else { ++$i; } } $ret .= implode( '/', $pp ); $ret .= isset( $parts['query'] ) ? '?' . $parts['query'] : ''; $ret .= isset( $parts['fragment'] ) ? '#' . $parts['fragment'] : ''; return $ret; } // endregion . // //////////////////// // region Webpack-built script registration /** * Register a Webpack-built script. * * Our Webpack-built scripts tend to need a bunch of boilerplate: * - A call to `Assets::get_file_url_for_environment()` for possible debugging. * - A call to `wp_register_style()` for extracted CSS, possibly with detection of RTL. * - Loading of dependencies and version provided by `@wordpress/dependency-extraction-webpack-plugin`. * - Avoiding WPCom's broken minifier. * * This wrapper handles all of that. * * @since 1.12.0 * @param string $handle Name of the script. Should be unique across both scripts and styles. * @param string $path Minimized script path. * @param string $relative_to File that `$path` is relative to. Pass `__FILE__`. * @param array $options Additional options: * - `asset_path`: (string|null) `.asset.php` to load. Default is to base it on `$path`. * - `async`: (bool) Set true to register the script as async, like `Assets::enqueue_async_script()` * - `css_dependencies`: (string[]) Additional style dependencies to queue. * - `css_path`: (string|null) `.css` to load. Default is to base it on `$path`. * - `dependencies`: (string[]) Additional script dependencies to queue. * - `enqueue`: (bool) Set true to enqueue the script immediately. * - `in_footer`: (bool) Set true to register script for the footer. * - `media`: (string) Media for the css file. Default 'all'. * - `minify`: (bool|null) Set true to pass `minify=true` in the query string, or `null` to suppress the normal `minify=false`. * - `nonmin_path`: (string) Non-minified script path. * - `textdomain`: (string) Text domain for the script. Required if the script depends on wp-i18n. * - `version`: (string) Override the version from the `asset_path` file. * @throws \InvalidArgumentException If arguments are invalid. */ public static function register_script( $handle, $path, $relative_to, array $options = array() ) { if ( substr( $path, -3 ) !== '.js' ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( '$path must end in ".js"' ); } $dir = dirname( $relative_to ); $base = substr( $path, 0, -3 ); $options += array( 'asset_path' => "$base.asset.php", 'async' => false, 'css_dependencies' => array(), 'css_path' => "$base.css", 'dependencies' => array(), 'enqueue' => false, 'in_footer' => false, 'media' => 'all', 'minify' => false, 'textdomain' => null, ); if ( $options['css_path'] && substr( $options['css_path'], -4 ) !== '.css' ) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException( '$options[\'css_path\'] must end in ".css"' ); } if ( isset( $options['nonmin_path'] ) ) { $url = self::get_file_url_for_environment( $path, $options['nonmin_path'], $relative_to ); } else { $url = plugins_url( $path, $relative_to ); } $url = self::normalize_path( $url ); if ( null !== $options['minify'] ) { $url = add_query_arg( 'minify', $options['minify'] ? 'true' : 'false', $url ); } if ( $options['asset_path'] && file_exists( "$dir/{$options['asset_path']}" ) ) { $asset = require "$dir/{$options['asset_path']}"; // phpcs:ignore WordPressVIPMinimum.Files.IncludingFile.NotAbsolutePath $options['dependencies'] = array_merge( $asset['dependencies'], $options['dependencies'] ); $options['css_dependencies'] = array_merge( array_filter( $asset['dependencies'], function ( $d ) { return wp_style_is( $d, 'registered' ); } ), $options['css_dependencies'] ); $ver = isset( $options['version'] ) ? $options['version'] : $asset['version']; } else { $ver = isset( $options['version'] ) ? $options['version'] : filemtime( "$dir/$path" ); } wp_register_script( $handle, $url, $options['dependencies'], $ver, $options['in_footer'] ); if ( $options['async'] ) { self::instance()->add_async_script( $handle ); } if ( $options['textdomain'] ) { // phpcs:ignore Jetpack.Functions.I18n.DomainNotLiteral wp_set_script_translations( $handle, $options['textdomain'] ); } elseif ( in_array( 'wp-i18n', $options['dependencies'], true ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, /* translators: %s is the script handle. */ esc_html( sprintf( __( 'Script "%s" depends on wp-i18n but does not specify "textdomain"', 'jetpack-assets' ), $handle ) ), '' ); } if ( $options['css_path'] && file_exists( "$dir/{$options['css_path']}" ) ) { $csspath = $options['css_path']; if ( is_rtl() ) { $rtlcsspath = substr( $csspath, 0, -4 ) . '.rtl.css'; if ( file_exists( "$dir/$rtlcsspath" ) ) { $csspath = $rtlcsspath; } } $url = self::normalize_path( plugins_url( $csspath, $relative_to ) ); if ( null !== $options['minify'] ) { $url = add_query_arg( 'minify', $options['minify'] ? 'true' : 'false', $url ); } wp_register_style( $handle, $url, $options['css_dependencies'], $ver, $options['media'] ); wp_script_add_data( $handle, 'Jetpack::Assets::hascss', true ); } else { wp_script_add_data( $handle, 'Jetpack::Assets::hascss', false ); } if ( $options['enqueue'] ) { self::enqueue_script( $handle ); } } /** * Enqueue a script registered with `Assets::register_script`. * * @since 1.12.0 * @param string $handle Name of the script. Should be unique across both scripts and styles. */ public static function enqueue_script( $handle ) { wp_enqueue_script( $handle ); if ( wp_scripts()->get_data( $handle, 'Jetpack::Assets::hascss' ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( $handle ); } } /** * 'wp_default_scripts' action handler. * * This registers the `wp-jp-i18n-loader` script for use by Webpack bundles built with * `@automattic/i18n-loader-webpack-plugin`. * * @since 1.14.0 * @param \WP_Scripts $wp_scripts WP_Scripts instance. */ public static function wp_default_scripts_hook( $wp_scripts ) { $data = array( 'baseUrl' => false, 'locale' => determine_locale(), 'domainMap' => array(), 'domainPaths' => array(), ); $lang_dir = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'WP_LANG_DIR' ); $content_dir = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ); $abspath = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'ABSPATH' ); if ( strpos( $lang_dir, $content_dir ) === 0 ) { $data['baseUrl'] = content_url( substr( trailingslashit( $lang_dir ), strlen( trailingslashit( $content_dir ) ) ) ); } elseif ( strpos( $lang_dir, $abspath ) === 0 ) { $data['baseUrl'] = site_url( substr( trailingslashit( $lang_dir ), strlen( untrailingslashit( $abspath ) ) ) ); } foreach ( self::$domain_map as $from => list( $to, $type, , $path ) ) { $data['domainMap'][ $from ] = ( 'core' === $type ? '' : "{$type}/" ) . $to; if ( '' !== $path ) { $data['domainPaths'][ $from ] = trailingslashit( $path ); } } /** * Filters the i18n state data for use by Webpack bundles built with * `@automattic/i18n-loader-webpack-plugin`. * * @since 1.14.0 * @package assets * @param array $data The state data to generate. Expected fields are: * - `baseUrl`: (string|false) The URL to the languages directory. False if no URL could be determined. * - `locale`: (string) The locale for the page. * - `domainMap`: (string[]) A mapping from Composer package textdomains to the corresponding * `plugins/textdomain` or `themes/textdomain` (or core `textdomain`, but that's unlikely). * - `domainPaths`: (string[]) A mapping from Composer package textdomains to the corresponding package * paths. */ $data = apply_filters( 'jetpack_i18n_state', $data ); // Can't use self::register_script(), this action is called too early. if ( file_exists( __DIR__ . '/../build/i18n-loader.asset.php' ) ) { $path = '../build/i18n-loader.js'; $asset = require __DIR__ . '/../build/i18n-loader.asset.php'; } else { $path = 'js/i18n-loader.js'; $asset = array( 'dependencies' => array( 'wp-i18n' ), 'version' => filemtime( __DIR__ . "/$path" ), ); } $url = self::normalize_path( plugins_url( $path, __FILE__ ) ); $url = add_query_arg( 'minify', 'true', $url ); $wp_scripts->add( 'wp-jp-i18n-loader', $url, $asset['dependencies'], $asset['version'] ); if ( ! is_array( $data ) || ! isset( $data['baseUrl'] ) || ! ( is_string( $data['baseUrl'] ) || false === $data['baseUrl'] ) || ! isset( $data['locale'] ) || ! is_string( $data['locale'] ) || ! isset( $data['domainMap'] ) || ! is_array( $data['domainMap'] ) || ! isset( $data['domainPaths'] ) || ! is_array( $data['domainPaths'] ) ) { $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( 'wp-jp-i18n-loader', 'console.warn( "I18n state deleted by jetpack_i18n_state hook" );' ); } elseif ( ! $data['baseUrl'] ) { $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( 'wp-jp-i18n-loader', 'console.warn( "Failed to determine languages base URL. Is WP_LANG_DIR in the WordPress root?" );' ); } else { $data['domainMap'] = (object) $data['domainMap']; // Ensure it becomes a json object. $data['domainPaths'] = (object) $data['domainPaths']; // Ensure it becomes a json object. $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( 'wp-jp-i18n-loader', 'wp.jpI18nLoader.state = ' . wp_json_encode( $data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES ) . ';' ); } // Deprecated state module: Depend on wp-i18n to ensure global `wp` exists and because anything needing this will need that too. $wp_scripts->add( 'wp-jp-i18n-state', false, array( 'wp-deprecated', 'wp-jp-i18n-loader' ) ); $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( 'wp-jp-i18n-state', 'wp.deprecated( "wp-jp-i18n-state", { alternative: "wp-jp-i18n-loader" } );' ); $wp_scripts->add_inline_script( 'wp-jp-i18n-state', 'wp.jpI18nState = wp.jpI18nLoader.state;' ); } // endregion . // //////////////////// // region Textdomain aliasing /** * Register a textdomain alias. * * Composer packages included in plugins will likely not use the textdomain of the plugin, while * WordPress's i18n infrastructure will include the translations in the plugin's domain. This * allows for mapping the package's domain to the plugin's. * * Since multiple plugins may use the same package, we include the package's version here so * as to choose the most recent translations (which are most likely to match the package * selected by jetpack-autoloader). * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $from Domain to alias. * @param string $to Domain to alias it to. * @param string $totype What is the target of the alias: 'plugins', 'themes', or 'core'. * @param string $ver Version of the `$from` domain. * @param string $path Path to prepend when lazy-loading from JavaScript. * @throws InvalidArgumentException If arguments are invalid. */ public static function alias_textdomain( $from, $to, $totype, $ver, $path = '' ) { if ( ! in_array( $totype, array( 'plugins', 'themes', 'core' ), true ) ) { throw new InvalidArgumentException( 'Type must be "plugins", "themes", or "core"' ); } if ( did_action( 'wp_default_scripts' ) && // Don't complain during plugin activation. ! defined( 'WP_SANDBOX_SCRAPING' ) ) { _doing_it_wrong( __METHOD__, sprintf( /* translators: 1: wp_default_scripts. 2: Name of the domain being aliased. */ esc_html__( 'Textdomain aliases should be registered before the %1$s hook. This notice was triggered by the %2$s domain.', 'jetpack-assets' ), 'wp_default_scripts', '' . esc_html( $from ) . '' ), '' ); } if ( empty( self::$domain_map[ $from ] ) ) { self::init_domain_map_hooks( $from, array() === self::$domain_map ); self::$domain_map[ $from ] = array( $to, $totype, $ver, $path ); } elseif ( Semver::compare( $ver, self::$domain_map[ $from ][2] ) > 0 ) { self::$domain_map[ $from ] = array( $to, $totype, $ver, $path ); } } /** * Register textdomain aliases from a mapping file. * * The mapping file is simply a PHP file that returns an array * with the following properties: * - 'domain': String, `$to` * - 'type': String, `$totype` * - 'packages': Array, mapping `$from` to `array( 'path' => $path, 'ver' => $ver )` (or to the string `$ver` for back compat). * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $file Mapping file. */ public static function alias_textdomains_from_file( $file ) { $data = require $file; foreach ( $data['packages'] as $from => $fromdata ) { if ( ! is_array( $fromdata ) ) { $fromdata = array( 'path' => '', 'ver' => $fromdata, ); } self::alias_textdomain( $from, $data['domain'], $data['type'], $fromdata['ver'], $fromdata['path'] ); } } /** * Register the hooks for textdomain aliasing. * * @param string $domain Domain to alias. * @param bool $firstcall If this is the first call. */ private static function init_domain_map_hooks( $domain, $firstcall ) { // If WordPress's plugin API is available already, use it. If not, // drop data into `$wp_filter` for `WP_Hook::build_preinitialized_hooks()`. if ( function_exists( 'add_filter' ) ) { $add_filter = 'add_filter'; } else { $add_filter = function ( $hook_name, $callback, $priority = 10, $accepted_args = 1 ) { global $wp_filter; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited $wp_filter[ $hook_name ][ $priority ][] = array( 'accepted_args' => $accepted_args, 'function' => $callback, ); }; } $add_filter( "gettext_{$domain}", array( self::class, 'filter_gettext' ), 10, 3 ); $add_filter( "ngettext_{$domain}", array( self::class, 'filter_ngettext' ), 10, 5 ); $add_filter( "gettext_with_context_{$domain}", array( self::class, 'filter_gettext_with_context' ), 10, 4 ); $add_filter( "ngettext_with_context_{$domain}", array( self::class, 'filter_ngettext_with_context' ), 10, 6 ); if ( $firstcall ) { $add_filter( 'load_script_translation_file', array( self::class, 'filter_load_script_translation_file' ), 10, 3 ); } } /** * Filter for `gettext`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $translation Translated text. * @param string $text Text to translate. * @param string $domain Text domain. * @return string Translated text. */ public static function filter_gettext( $translation, $text, $domain ) { if ( $translation === $text ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n $newtext = __( $text, self::$domain_map[ $domain ][0] ); if ( $newtext !== $text ) { return $newtext; } } return $translation; } /** * Filter for `ngettext`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $translation Translated text. * @param string $single The text to be used if the number is singular. * @param string $plural The text to be used if the number is plural. * @param string $number The number to compare against to use either the singular or plural form. * @param string $domain Text domain. * @return string Translated text. */ public static function filter_ngettext( $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $domain ) { if ( $translation === $single || $translation === $plural ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n $translation = _n( $single, $plural, $number, self::$domain_map[ $domain ][0] ); } return $translation; } /** * Filter for `gettext_with_context`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $translation Translated text. * @param string $text Text to translate. * @param string $context Context information for the translators. * @param string $domain Text domain. * @return string Translated text. */ public static function filter_gettext_with_context( $translation, $text, $context, $domain ) { if ( $translation === $text ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n $translation = _x( $text, $context, self::$domain_map[ $domain ][0] ); } return $translation; } /** * Filter for `ngettext_with_context`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string $translation Translated text. * @param string $single The text to be used if the number is singular. * @param string $plural The text to be used if the number is plural. * @param string $number The number to compare against to use either the singular or plural form. * @param string $context Context information for the translators. * @param string $domain Text domain. * @return string Translated text. */ public static function filter_ngettext_with_context( $translation, $single, $plural, $number, $context, $domain ) { if ( $translation === $single || $translation === $plural ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.I18n $translation = _nx( $single, $plural, $number, $context, self::$domain_map[ $domain ][0] ); } return $translation; } /** * Filter for `load_script_translation_file`. * * @since 1.15.0 * @param string|false $file Path to the translation file to load. False if there isn't one. * @param string $handle Name of the script to register a translation domain to. * @param string $domain The text domain. */ public static function filter_load_script_translation_file( $file, $handle, $domain ) { if ( false !== $file && isset( self::$domain_map[ $domain ] ) && ! is_readable( $file ) ) { // Determine the part of the filename after the domain. $suffix = basename( $file ); $l = strlen( $domain ); if ( substr( $suffix, 0, $l ) !== $domain || '-' !== $suffix[ $l ] ) { return $file; } $suffix = substr( $suffix, $l ); $lang_dir = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'WP_LANG_DIR' ); // Look for replacement files. list( $newdomain, $type ) = self::$domain_map[ $domain ]; $newfile = $lang_dir . ( 'core' === $type ? '/' : "/{$type}/" ) . $newdomain . $suffix; if ( is_readable( $newfile ) ) { return $newfile; } } return $file; } // endregion . } // Enable section folding in vim: // vim: foldmarker=//\ region,//\ endregion foldmethod=marker // . Что делать, если болезнь неизлечима — Жизни Луч
Что делать, если болезнь неизлечима

Что делать, если болезнь неизлечима

Что делать, если неизлечимый диагноз ребенку поставили еще до рождения?

Обычно женщине рекомендуют прервать беременность… Это означает, что матери, которая чувствует все проявления жизни своего дитя, предлагается эту жизнь насильственно прервать…⠀

Есть и другое решение: дать беременности идти естественным путем. Дать ребенку право прожить столько, сколько ему отведено…⠀

Возможно, жизнь малыша будет коротка… Может быть, он даже не появится на свет…⠀

Неизлечимо больной ребенок имеет право прожить столько, сколько ему предназначено и умереть своей смертью.⠀

Главное — он будет любим все мгновения своей жизни. И для психики женщины это более гуманно, поскольку она не будет сопричастной к смерти своего ребенка. ⠀

Перинатальная паллиативная помощь оказывает всестороннюю поддержку женщине/семье в случае их выбора продолжить беременность, несмотря на неблагоприятный прогноз для плода. ⠀

Впервые концепцию перинатального паллиатива предложили неонатолог Сильверман и педиатр Уитфилд, утверждавшие, что плод и младенец испытывают боль и страх, что они имеют право на рождение и жизнь в возможных пределах.⠀

За рубежом давно существуют программы перинатальной паллиативной помощи беременным женщинам.⠀

По опыту американского профессора Калхуна более 70% родителей выбирают именно паллиативную перинатальную помощь, а не аборт.⠀

Родители находятся рядом с больным малышом до последнего момента, в память о ребенке делают фотографии, дают ему имя, могут его покрестить.⠀

Психологи отмечают важность прощания матери с умершим ребенком наедине. В этом случае формируется психологическое подтверждение реальности существования ребенка.⠀

Без этого опыта психическое состояние матери отягощается незавершенностью переживаний.⠀

В Москве в 2018 году запущен пилотный проект по перинатальной паллиативной помощи, в котором участвует Детский Хоспис «Дом с маяком» и Перинатальный центр при Городской клинической больнице №24. Мы расскажем вам об этом в другой публикации.

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